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Writer's pictureDave Chouhan

Catching the Fans up...Page 14 of "GIRAFFE!"

Hi everyone!😀

Where does the Time go?

I just realized it's been been over a week since I posted an update on the book I'm working on!

I returned home a few days ago, after spending two and half weeks helping Dad (since Mom's recent passing.đŸ˜„) It is very difficult seeing him struggle, but I know us "kids" will all do our best to support him as much as we can.

Upon returning home, the last few days have been spent trying to de-stress & get settled; unpacking, cleaning, and catching up on bills & household chores. Denise is also providing Major support to both her parents who unfortunately have some major health issues, so it's been extremely challenging for us to keep on top of everything.

This week, like many of you, I also spent significant time outside shovelling a never-ending deluge of snow. With our corner lot home and huge rear driveway it adds up to many hours of work each time. With my injuries, by the time I'm done I have too much pain and not enough energy to work on the Art. That's why you haven't heard from me this week.

BUT...WE are "DO-ers," and I did still get the next TWO pages DONE since returning home!

I present to you Page 14 of, "The GIRAFFE with a LAUGH!"

The creatures of the jungle have finally found the Source of the strange Sound they've been hearing, and it's an ANIMAL they've never seen before!

They don't speak its language, but somehow they understand it!

What kind of SORCERY is THIS?

Even the Wise OWL is befuddled!

It's time to ASK this BEAST some QUESTIONS!

But to know what they ask you'll have to stay tuned...

Page 15 is done too, so I'll share it very soon.


Dave Chouhan, AKA Captain CHOO💖

P.S. I know some of you are still awaiting Print copies of the last book, "The BEAVER with a CLEAVER." I am closely monitoring the SALES codes at Blurb, and will order as soon as I can secure a decent deal, to maintain the best price possible for my clients. Thank you for your patience.😊

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