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Writer's pictureDave Chouhan

No need to guess the Next TITLE!

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Yes, that’s right…He’s a BEAVER!

Just sharing some "Insider" thoughts on the “WRITING” part of this creative process:

Since I hadn’t looked at this doc in a while, I re-read it, and sure enough wound up doing multiple edits again, until I was finally satisfied. It’s essential to ensure your script is finalized BEFORE you begin the Illustrating stage.

Of course, there’ll likely be a few more Minor tweaks as I go…

For those who don’t know, when you go to the PUBLISHING stage, factors like Total Number of pages really affect the COST of publication. I try to keep costs down for my customers, and this is a big consideration.

I will possibly re-edit “PIG in a WIG” in the future, as it is currently over that page limit. That was part of my “learning curve,” but the rest of my books fall within that parameter.

For comparison purposes, BEAVER has DOUBLE the amount of text in the ALIEN CANADIAN, so there will be far more verses per page, to preserve that overall Page limit!

Here, you see PAGE ONE of four, comprising this next book.

The hand-written numbers and letters designate the page to which the associated verses will be allotted. Eg. 6R means the associated verses will be on Page Six, on the right side of the book.

*Noting Left or Right is important! Some of my illustrations cross over TWO pages, so you have to draw that page’s character stances/scene orientation in a way that works with the Page/s positioning.

Each Story begins on Page 6 because the page numbers prior to that (in my illustrations database) correspond to my Cover, Copyright, Dedication, and Captain CHOO and Main Character COLORING pages.


Your Friend, Dave Chouhan AKA “Captain CHOO”

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