My friends,😀
The First Mate and I have worked hard on putting together our costumes, acting/role-playing, the digital tech, craft shows setup, & presentation overall, plus we've had many "irons in the fire" marketing-wise:
I'm pleased to announce that things are starting to pay off!
Last year I was still creating my portfolio, plus working on numerous other projects, so initial "Marketing" only began in the Fall, but what we've done so far was received very well. It was challenging, but a Ton of Fun too!
I continue to illustrate new books I've written, but now we are ramping up the Marketing!
This year I want to do a Whole lot more public shows!
We have many Craft Fairs to attend, Taber Corn Fest is once again on our radar, plus we already have several SCHOOLS who have contacted us to do Captain CHOO "readings" for their kids.
We just approached the Local TABER PUBLIC LIBRARY about putting on a show, and they were wonderfully receptive and encouraging to a Local artist, so....
The first show is booked! See you there!
We also just booked as Exhibitors on APRIL 11th at the Southern Alberta Library Conference, courtesy of CHINOOK ARCH Regional Library System!
I hope this event will provide contacts that can give more exposure to my books, and increase our national publicity. More on that closer to the date...
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...We step forward in FAITH!
Dave Chouhan, AKA Captain CHOO💖
#childrensbooks #rhymingbooks #albertamade #albertacanada #canadianartist #canadianwriter #canadianauthor #iamcanadian #wholovesdrseuss #drseuss #aesopsfables #artist #illustrator #author #writer #blurbbooks