Hi Friends,😍
I know last month I said I was picking up the art/book business where we left off, but the weather has been un-seasonably warm, for which I am grateful.😊
I wasn't going to "look a gift horse in the mouth." There were some nagging important house reno/repair projects that would've weighed on my mind all winter if they weren't done.
So I chose to focus my attention the last few weeks on knocking some of those reno tasks off the list.
Each one completed frees up more space in my mind to focus completely on the books going forward. I've been pleasantly surprised to finish some projects I didn't think I'd even begin this year. It's all Progress in the Big picture.
I have also done some important groundwork on the art business:
1. Two weeks ago, I looked into what's involved to publish on Amazon. It's a pile of work, as I can't just import my existing Blurb formatted books as is, and will have to learn their entire separate publishing process, but it's looking promising/equitable to at least make my books available there in digital format to begin with..
That would still be worthwhile, for the market exposure alone.
2. Last week I caught up on an entire year's worth of accounting for the business, plus updated my tracking spreadsheets for my book sales and inventory...tedious but necessary components of the business. I'm really glad that's done.
3. I took some baby steps into investigating AI art, and some preliminary research into finding traditional publishers for my work.
All three of these topics require much more time and in-depth commitment, so there will be considerable work there going forward.
Today, after knocking off a reno project, I came in and reviewed, then revamped, parts of my website, to bring it up to date. That was a Bonus accomplishment.😁
I'd call it a productive day. One step at a time...
Dave Chouhan, AKA Captain CHOO💖