Hi Friends!
I'm stoked to share that the PROOF hard and soft copy Prints arrived in the mail today!
Even BETTER, having gone through them, they both passed my "Fusspot" inspection, with the exception of one niggling detail that was more of a graphical preference than an error. It's so negligible that I'm considering both versions GOOD TO GO!
And I must say I'm very pleased with how this one turned out. 😁
That means in the next few days I will be setting up all the marketing to sell Book 7 on Blurb, and adding all the related details to my website.
It also means I am now ready to order Print copies in BULK for my local buyers, whenever that next good coupon code gets emailed to me.
So...LOCAL FANS, GET READY TO ORDER, because I will be placing my bulk Print order for Book 6 ("The BEAVER with a CLEAVER") and Book 7 ("The GIRAFFE with a LAUGH") at the same time, as soon as I get that decent discount code from Blurb.
Please remember that I only wait for that code so that I can keep costs as low as possible for my buyers. I pass the savings directly on to you guys.
Blurb has had two price increases in the last year and half, that I decided to absorb without increasing my end customer prices. They just announced another price increase at March end, and my margins are so slim already that this one may require me to bump up my fee a tiny bit. I'll have to review Blurb's latest fees and decide from there.
However, Blurb still remains the most professional full featured SELF-Publishing site I've found out there that creates a top quality product at a reasonable price, which is why I'm still with them.
Unfortunately, it simply cannot compete with a Large scale TRADITIONAL Publisher for low print costs, because they have access to their own dirt cheap mass-printers in China and elsewhere.
So...the end goal still remains to get into a long-term publishing contract with a Traditional Publisher. If any of you have connections in that area and can promote my work to them I'd be very grateful.
I will also be investigating further re: self-publishing On Amazon Kindle.
There are many other ideas I'm exploring going forward with Captain CHOO. More on that next time...
After this book goes LIVE, the summer projects on our "reno" house resume, so I'll be side-tracked for a while, and of course I continue to do daily hard-core rehab on my spinal injuries from my MVA, which still is a very Big factor impacting my productivity.
It's shaping up to be another busy year, but we're moving in the right direction!
Blessings to ya'all!😃
Dave Chouhan, AKA Captain CHOO💖

excellent! I'll take a few